
The pig industry has a crucial role in the Vietnamese economy. It ensures national food security and provides a sufficient income for Vietnamese people. This article will give a large picture of Vietnam’s pig husbandry industries from 2020 to 2025, including movements, trends, and future developments.

Current status of pig husbandry in 2020-2025

The pig industry plays an important role in the Vietnamese economy, securing national food guarantees and creating income sources for locals. However, in the period 2020 – 2025, the industry witnessed fluctuations due to the changes in the epidemic, market prices and Vietnamese policies.

Changes in pig herds

  • 2020-2021: African swine fever (ASF) broke out violently, heavily hurting the pig industry. The amount of pig herds decreased sharply, pork output dropped seriously, and prices inflated swiftly. The situation directly affects consumers.
  • 2022: The pig industry gradually recovers after the epidemic. Breeders promote herd regeneration and apply disease prevention actions. The pig herd grew again, and pork production began to stabilize.
  • 2023-2025: The pig husbandry industry is expected to grow steadily. However, there are still risks of disease outbreaks and market price fluctuations.

Production and consumption

  • Pork production: Output fluctuates based on herd sizes. After a sharp decline in 2020-2021, pork production gradually recovered and began to increase from 2022 to 2025.
  • Consumption demand: Domestic demand for pork continues to increase due to population expansion and improvement of per capita income. The export of pork and pork-related products also has the prospect of thriving in the coming years.
  • Price: price fluctuates significantly based on market supply and demand, influenced by epidemics, food raw material prices, and government regulatory policies.

Livestock models

  • Small-scale family model: This model is gradually declining due to disease effects and low economic efficiency. It faces many difficulties in terms of applying science and technology, controlling diseases, and ensuring food safety.
  • Large-scale pig farming model: This model has rapid development, especially in large-scale farms applying high technology and biosecurity. It has high economic efficiency, low disease risks, and ensures product quality.
  • Pig farming in a linkage chain model: This model is forming and developing. It creates conditions for a close connection among the production, processing, and consumption stages. This model helps improve efficiency, sustainability, and product traceability.

Policy and development orientation

  • Policies to support herd regeneration: The Vietnamese Government has issued many policies that aid farmers in re-herding after the ASF epidemic, such as supporting breeds, feeding, and loans.
  • Safe and sustainable livestock production: Farmers prioritize the development of safe, environmentally friendly livestock models that ensure food safety.
  • Management capacity: Strengthen disease control, inspection, and product quality testing, and improve Government management capacity on livestock production.

The pig industry is on the path to recovery and development after the impact of the ASF in 2020-2022. With a high potential market and supportive policies from the Government, the pig industry promises to make a critical contribution to national food security and the socio-economic development.

Challenges and solutions for the pig industry

As mentioned in the previous section – “Current status of pig husbandry in 2020-2025”, the pig husbandry industry accounts for a large part of the Vietnamese economy. Yet, besides its development potential, the pig husbandry industry faced many challenges during this period.

Persistent challenge

The 2020 ASF outbreak caused significant damage to the pig farming industry. It led to a sharp decrease in pork output and a skyrocketing increase in prices, directly impacting consumers. The risk of a re-outbreak of ASF, as well as other diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease and blue ear disease, always looms, posing a threat to the stable development of the industry.

Climate change results in extreme weather events such as prolonged droughts and floods, impacting food and water supply, and causing challenges in pork production and consumption.

Since then, the aforementioned issues have impacted the price of feed ingredients like corn, and soybeans, leading to fluctuating strongly. In addition, due to other factors, such as international prices, and tax policies, production costs have increased, affecting profits of pig production.

Practical solution

  • Strengthen disease control: Apply simultaneously effective disease prevention such as fully vaccinating, cleaning cages, and disinfecting. Build a strict disease monitoring system for promptly detecting and treating epidemics.
  • Develop safe and sustainable livestock production: Prioritize the development of safe and environmentally friendly livestock models, such as the organic pig farming, or VietGAP processes, to minimize negative environmental impacts.
  • Improve management and human resources: Strengthen training for managers and breeders on production techniques, farm management, scientific and technical applications, etc. At the same time, attract high-quality human resources into the livestock industry.

Vietnam’s pig husbandry industry is recovering and progressing after the ASF epidemic’s impact. However, for sustainable development in 2020 – 2025, the industry must come together to address persistent challenges and effectively implement practical solutions. This includes strengthening disease control, developing safe livestock production, ensuring sustainability, improving management capacity, and improving support policies. With the efforts of management agencies, businesses, and farmers, Vietnam’s pig industry will continue to be the main contributor to national food security and improve people’s lives.


The pig industry is a significant portion of Vietnam’s economy. Regardless, the industry is facing many challenges such as disease outbreaks, climate change, fluctuating feed material prices, limited management capacity, and environmental pollution.

With the abovementioned solutions and orientations, Vietnam’s pig husbandry industry will develop sustainably, ensuring food security, and improving the living quality of citizens.

To update more knowledge of pig farming techniques, join Vietstock 2024 – Vietnam’s Premier International Feed, Livestock, Aquaculture & Meat Industry Show. At Vietstock 2024, you have the opportunity to:

  • Update the latest trends in the pig industry.
  • Learn effective livestock solutions to improve productivity and product quality.
  • Meet and exchange knowledge and experience with experts and businesses in the industry.
  • Expand markets and find business partners.

Come to Vietstock 2024 to improve pig farming efficiency and develop your business sustainably!

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