Herb Fed Poultry: A New Direction in Livestock Development


Herb fed poultry is becoming a new approach that has garnered attention in modern livestock farming. The combination of traditional farming methods with the support of natural herbs not only enhances the health of the chickens but also improves product quality while contributing to environmental protection.

Herb Fed Poultry – A Potential Solution

Herb poultry is gradually becoming a new trend in modern livestock farming aimed at sustainable development and food safety. This method not only brings economic benefits but is also environmentally friendly and safe for human health.

What is Herb Fed Poultry? Herb poultry involves the use of natural herbs as part of the diet and health management for chickens. Instead of relying on chemicals and antibiotics, herb fed poultry prioritises the use of grasses, leaves, and other natural compounds that boost immunity, improve digestive health, and enhance chicken growth.

Benefits of Herb Fed Poultry

  • Improved Chicken Health: Natural herbs contain many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and reduce dependence on antibiotics. This not only helps reduce costs but also produces cleaner, safer chicken products for consumers.
  • Cost Reduction: Using herbs reduces the need for antibiotics and other chemicals in farming, thereby helping farmers save on medication costs and reducing legal risks associated with the use of harmful chemicals.
  • Environmental Protection: Herbs are not only safe for chickens but also environmentally friendly. They help reduce the amount of waste containing harmful chemicals released into the environment, while also improving soil and water quality.
  • Market Demand Compatibility: Market demand for clean food products is increasing, with consumers preferring preservative-free, chemical-free herb-fed poultry to meet this trend, expanding the market and enhancing product competitiveness.

Herb fed poultry offers practical benefits and represents a significant step toward sustainable and safe food production for the future.

Herbs Used in Poultry

Herbs in poultry are usually categorised based on their effects:

  • Health Enhancement: These herbs boost the immune system and overall health of chickens.
  • Disease Prevention: Used as a preventive measure against common diseases in farming.
  • Product Quality Improvement: Herbs enhance the quality of meat and eggs, increasing the commercial value of the product.

Some Common Herbs:

Cinnamon Cinnamomum verum Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, boosts immune system.
Lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus Antibacterial, antifungal, repels mosquitoes and insects, creates a clean environment.
Ginger Zingiber officinale Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, stimulates digestion, enhances immune system.
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale Detoxifies, improves liver and kidney function, strengthens resistance.
GooseGrass Eleusine indica Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, reduces the risk of infections, improves overall health of chickens.
False Daisy Eclipta prostrata Stops bleeding, cools down, improves skin and feather health, reduces the risk of infections and inflammations.
Sensitive Plant Mimosa pudica Antibacterial, antifungal, reduces the risk of infections, improves digestive health.
Licorice Glycyrrhiza uralensis Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, boosts the immune system.

Notes on Using Herbs in Poultry:

  • Safety for Animals and Consumers: Ensure that the herbs used are safe and have no side effects on chickens.
  • Basic Knowledge of Dosage and Usage Time: Following the correct dosage and timing is essential for achieving optimal results without causing harm.
  • Preparation Method: Understand the method of preparation and storage of herbs to ensure their quality and effectiveness.

Applying herbs in poultry is not only a step forward in the production of clean food but also a way to promote a sustainable and environmentally friendly farming system.

Effective Herb Fed Poultry Models

Herb Fed Poultry is emerging as a new approach to livestock farming, providing advantages for both animal health and the surrounding environment. This method enhances product quality, reduces the need for antibiotics during farming, and promotes sustainable development in modern livestock farming.

Key Factors in Herb Poultry Models:

  1. Coop: The design of the chicken coop should ensure ventilation and ease of cleaning to create an ideal living environment for chickens, reducing the risk of disease outbreaks. The chicken coop should have sufficient space, light, and well air circulation.
  2. Breed Selection: Choosing the right chicken breed is crucial. Select breeds with good disease resistance, adaptability to natural living conditions, and positive responses to a diet supplemented with herbs.
  3. Feed: Chicken feed must be nutritious and clean. Using herbs as part of the diet not only helps chickens stay healthy but also improves product quality. Herbs like garlic, ginger, and turmeric support digestion and boost the immune system.
  4. Disease Management: Regularly apply preventive measures to ensure the flock stays healthy. Using herbs in disease treatment and prevention helps minimise antibiotic use, contributing to consumer health protection.
  5. Environmental Sanitation: Regularly clean the chicken coop and surrounding area, ensuring efficient and safe waste disposal to avoid environmental pollution.

Herb Fed Poultry models not only ensure food safety and increase productivity but also aim to protect the environment, creating a sustainable farming system in line with today’s consumer trends.

Vietstock 2024 – Accompanying and Developing the Vietnam’s Livestock Industry

To enhance knowledge and competency related to biosecurity – developing sustainable livestock farming, chicken farmers are encouraged to attend Vietstock 2024. Participating in Vietstock, livestock households will acquire information about the directions, methods, and approaches to implementing biosecurity farming – the core value of sustainable livestock development. The Biosecurity Asia Forum is a new highlight not to be missed at this year’s exhibition.

Accompanying the livestock industry for two decades, Vietstock understands the market and the needs of businesses and livestock households. Accompanied by the Department of Livestock Production (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) and livestock and aquaculture associations throughout Vietnam, Vietstock brings numerous visitors the latest knowledge, trends, and techniques to help the livestock industry overcome difficulties and move towards sustainability.

From October 9 to 11, at SECC, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Vietstock 2024 will take place concurrently with Aquaculture Vietnam 2024 with many outstanding activities including:

  • Technologies, Products & Solutions Showcase: Visit booths showcasing advanced products and services from leading businesses in the livestock and aquaculture industry.
  • Conferences & Technical Seminars: Vietstock and Aquaculture Vietnam is the knowledge and technical centre updating market information and news for the Livestock & Aquaculture industry. Led by top experts, covering diverse topics. From market trends to technological advancements and best practices, these sessions provide invaluable insights.
  • Bus-in Program: Participate in the group visitor support program, helping poultry farmers have direct access to new technologies and solutions, and exchange and learn from experts.
  • The series of Livestock and Aquaculture Roadshows: Aims to improve farming techniques for households and create direct connections with potential customers for businesses. These roadshows have been held in various provinces of Vietnam before the exhibition.
Join Vietstock in promoting sustainable practices in livestock industry

In particular, the Biosecurity Asia Forum will serve as a platform to discuss the direction, methods, and implementation of biosecurity in livestock farming. Therefore, this conference will enable farmers to understand better how to apply biosecurity practices to their farming models. This will facilitate sustainable development for farming households and meet the growing consumer demand for safe livestock products.

If you need information related to the exhibition, please contact us:

Join Vietstock 2024 to enhance your knowledge, expand your network, and explore new opportunities in the poultry industry!



Vietstock Vietnam